The aim of cardiovascular nanomedicine- CVN is to reduce off-target toxicity issues with therapeutic selectivity to the heart .The lipophilic barrier of the cellular membranes should be circumvented to deliver cargo inside the cell. Lipidbased NPs, which show low side effects and greater ability to passively accumulate at tissues with higher vascular permeability (enhanced permeation rate), have been largely used since the earlier times of cardiovascular nanomedicine-CVN. Polymeric NPs, silica NPs, carbon nanotubes, polymeric micelles, quantum dots, nanobers and nanocrystals represent other examples of nano-formulations for controlled drug delivery. NP-loaded drugs are expected to be protected from systemic degradation, show reduced toxicity and immunogenicity, possess ameliorated pharmacokinetics and increased half-life and exhibit increased bioavailability and precise bio distribution. Nanodrug formulations are expected to enhance selective delivery to the site of interest and benet from a lower clearance from the body. Nanotechnology represents a convergent discipline in which the margins separating research areas, such as chemstry, biology, physics, mathematics and engineering become blurred with the much needed emergence of integrated science as a new discipline.