ABSTRACT A critical review has been carried out herein for correlating the phenomenon of internal flow choking (biofluid / Sanal flow choking (PMCID: PMC7267099)) and asymptomatic cardiovascular risk of COVID-19 patients. We show that when systolic-to-diastolic Blood-Pressure-Ratio (BPR) reaches the Lower-Critical-Hemorrhage-Index (LCHI) the internal flow choking could occur in the Cardiovascular System (CVS) with and without plaque/occlusion. The critical BPR for flow choking is uniquely regulating by the Biofluid/Blood-Heat-Capacity-Ratio (BHCR). The BHCR is well correlated with BPR, blood-viscosity and ejection-fraction. The closed-form analytical models reveal that the relatively high and the low blood-viscosity are Cardiovascular Risk (CVR) factors. In vitro data shows that nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide gases are predominant in fresh blood samples of the human being and Guinea-pig at a temperature range of 37-40 °C (98.6-104 F). In silico results demonstrated the occurrence of Sanalflow-choking at a critical BPR leading to shock wave generation and pressure-overshoot in CVS causing memory effect (stroke history). The asymptomatic cardiovascular-risk of COVID-19 patients and others could be diminished by concurrently lessening the viscosity of biofluid/blood and flow turbulence by increasing the thermal tolerance level in terms of BHCR and/or by decreasing the BPR
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Travancore Heart Institute
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